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Business Lawyer FAQ

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Hiring A Small Business Attorney

Q. What fees are involved with hiring an attorney?

A. Fees vary depending on the type of case.

Q. How do I schedule a consultation?

A. Consultations are scheduled by calling our office.

Q. Why would my business benefit from having an attorney?

A. An experienced business attorney familiar with corporate law and business organization. This  knowledge is crucial to establishing and maintaining a successful business.

Q. How can I be sure you are the right attorney for me?

A. San Antonio Business Lawyers have the experience in business law to help you understand your rights and obligations, as well as avoid lawsuits or prevail in court when there are no other options.

Small Business Law

Q. What advice would you give to a company in financial trouble?

A. The most important thing is to preempt any problems when possible. Consult experienced professionals for help before there is a crisis. Taking action early is important to your plan’s success.

Q. Why would my business benefit from having a transactional attorney?

A. A transactional attorney can save a business significant amounts of money by explaining the regulatory steps required for transactions and any possible pitfalls or areas that might lead to a lawsuit.

Probate Law (Estate Planning and Wills)

Q. Do I need a will?

A. Anyone with property and assets that would need to be distributed in the event of death needs a basic will.

Q. What is estate planning?

A. Estate planning documents your wishes for the distribution of your assets both during your life and following your death. It plans for incompetency as well as care for minors. An estate plan is beneficial regardless of whether you feel you have a lot of assets. It takes control of what you do have and insures your desired outcome for these assets is enacted.

Landlord-Tenant Law

Q. Why would a landlord need an attorney?

A. Landlords must stay up-to-date on current Landlord-Tenant laws, and follow proper procedure in the event an eviction is necessary. Also known as detainer proceedings, evictions must be carried out with procedural accuracy to avoid delays or complications in your case.